How To Celebrate The Summer Solstice and International Day of Yoga
The Summer Solstice occurs once a year and marks the first day of summer as the longest day of the year. Since 2015, International Day of Yoga has been celebrated around the world on the same day, June 21. On this day, yogis around the world celebrate the Summer Solstice by practicing the Sun Salutations sequence. Traditionally, many yogis practice 108 Sun Salutations which is usually done at sunrise to greet the sun as it rises. Don’t worry though- you don’t have to practice 108 times to participate! 1-10 repetitions on each side (left and right) is more than enough— especially if you are new to yoga or the Sun Salutations Sequence! You could practice this sequence at sunrise or anytime throughout the day.
Below is a breakdown of what the sequence looks like. It consists of 12 poses (some repeated). Practice these poses in sequence slowly on both left and right sides (4-5 breaths per pose) to begin and then pick up speed (less breaths per pose) as you repeat the sequence and start to move faster and faster.
Now let’s put it all together! Below is a Guided Sun Salutations/Surya Namaskara Sequence to practice with. The key is to use your breath to transition into each pose. No poses are held for more than half a breath (either inhale or exhale).
Enjoy performing this sequence to celebrate the Summer Solstice and International Day of Yoga! Performing this sequence is also a traditional way celebrate the Winter Solstice and Springs and Fall Equinoxes! It’s a great sequence to practice daily as it only takes a few minutes to do several rounds— great to practice first thing in the morning or if you’re short on time! You can also use this sequence as a warm up to your personal yoga practice (you will likely come across it in yoga classes taught in studios) so it is beneficial to learn how to perform.
Each pose of this sequence may not be accessible to every body and the transitions of this sequence can seem difficult. It’s important to learn how to practice this sequence for your body- this may include modifications or alternative poses.
Want to learn more about the sequence and how to perform it on your own? Enroll in our Yoga Student Training Courses: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Yoga Online Course or The Ultimate Sun Salutations Online Course (use coupon code IDY108 for 45% off!)
How Do I Know When is the Best Time for Me to Practice Yoga?
Find out when is the best time to practice yoga and the Sun Salutations sequence!
Do you have trouble finding time to practice yoga?
Even as an instructor, sometimes I find myself unmotivated to practice everyday. In this video, we discuss what to do if you can’t find the time to incorporate yoga into your life as well as the best time for you to practice!
Now, I know what you’re thinking… “When actually is the best time to practice yoga or the Sun Salutations sequence?”
The best time really does depends. I can tell you that the worst time would be on a full stomach (after a large meal). Traditionally, the best time would be first thing in the morning as the sun is rising, on an empty stomach. However, for many of us, this is can be an unrealistic goal.
For example, some of my students love to practice first thing in the morning because it helps set them up for their day and it’s the only time they know they can make it because of work and other obligations. Others like to practice around mid-day as a break from meetings and work. Some would rather practice in the evening because they are sedentary and/or busy all day and want to stretch out and move their bodies, and others like to practice right before bed so it helps them get a really good night’s sleep!
And sometimes preferences will change- you may try practicing at a different time and find that it is more beneficial for you! Try practicing a few different times of day and see which you like best, is most realistic for a consistent practice and makes you feel good!
Now, let’s find a way to help you incorporate yoga into your life. Remember, it’s not about finding time, it’s about making time! Here are a few ideas:
This may seem obvious, but just START. What I mean by this is that our minds can find a million reasons and excuses NOT to do something. What I’m suggesting, is when the thought of practicing comes up- DON’T think, just DO. Don’t allow your mind time to come up with excuses and stop you from practicing!
Don’t focus solely on the postures, try yoga in the form of pranayama (breathing) or meditation! Pranayama is best practiced on an empty stomach, but Meditation can be practiced at ANY time. Tip 1 is perfect for incorporating meditation- don’t think, just do!
Schedule an appointment. Just as you would the dentist or a meeting, schedule a time (and put it into your calendar) that you will practice yoga. Bonus if you set a reminder notification so that you can make sure you’re prepared! How often you choose to set this appointment is up to you, but again, just make sure you set realistic expectations upon yourself.
Set an alarm or a reminder notification. When the alarm goes off, or reminder comes up, put down what you are doing and practice 5 minutes of yoga- whether it be asana (postures), pranayama or meditation!
Prep your clothes and/or your mat. If you are looking to practice first thing in the morning or after work, being prepared will help to ensure you follow through! Set your clothes aside the night before and you can also roll out your mat if you’re practicing at home.
Attend guided classes either in a group or private one-on-one setting where there is a set time and place you will be practicing and the instructor waiting for you. Having a time booked will help you stick to a schedule. Being part of a group will keep you accountable. Bonus if you practice with a friend (or two)!
Now that you have discovered some ways to make time to practice yoga AND you have a short sequence to practice, all you have to do is choose a time of day that works best for you!
Happy Practicing!
Only Have 5-10 Minutes a Day to Practice Yoga? Try This Sequence!
Short on time but still want to practice yoga everyday? Check out this 12 pose sequence - with visuals!
Christina Rosso from Yoga Alignment offering you a powerful yoga sequence that you can practice everyday if you’re busy or short on time!
In the previous email, we discussed how yoga is much more beneficial than just flexibility, relaxation and balance. In the studies and meta-analyses we reviewed, we found that practicing yoga can scientifically help with: working memory, inflammation and back pain, habitual posture and spinal curvature, respiratory function, sleep and preventing heart disease.
Since I started practicing yoga 12 years ago, I’ve personally noticed a difference in my body once I customized my practice to my own direct needs. To name a few benefits I have personally felt: my breathing is much stronger and the length of my inhales and exhales is much longer, I suffer from minimal body aches and pains (no back pain!) and my posture has improved significantly.
But before I became an instructor almost 6 years ago, I had a really hard time implementing yoga into my daily life because I didn’t really know how to, other than taking classes. And now, even with over 1000 hours teaching and 12 years of practicing, I sometimes have a hard time staying motivated to practice everyday. Thankfully, I have a go-to sequence I can practice at any time of day that I still haven’t gotten sick of and that I will share with you!
Let me tell you about Stephanie* who first contacted me about private yoga classes 3 years ago (at 40 years old). She told me she had never done yoga before and considered herself a beginner. She told me that she had an incredibly busy life but wanted to learn how to practice yoga. She specifically wanted me to teach her a sequence she could do a few times per week for 5-15 minutes when she had a bit of downtime either between meetings, in the morning or anytime throughout the day.
While I could have provided her with any combination of 100s of poses to form a sequence, I told her that the best sequence for her to learn would be Sun Salutations. This is a sequence that has been practiced for many years within the tradition of yoga. It is a great way to learn and practice many foundational poses and is a staple in most yoga classes. Also, if she ever forgets the sequence, she could easily find it with a simple google search!
Once I taught Stephanie this sequence (more on that another time), she was able to practice it on her own time and utilize our private yoga classes for whatever her direct needs were on that day- whether focusing on a specific area of the body, learning new poses, etc.
I have since taught the same sequence to almost all of my current students because I find it so powerful and that it acts as a really strong base for any yoga practice. The poses in this sequence help to mobilize many of our joints including spine, shoulders, ankles and hips. It helps us connect to the present moment and focus on the synchronicity of the movements and the breath. And so much more!
*name changed due to privacy
How to do Sun Salutations: The 12 Pose Sequence
Because there are different variations of Sun Salutations depending on the style of yoga and lineage, we have chosen the Classical (Hatha) Sun Salutations, sometimes known as Sun Salutations C (which can have many slight variations depending on the instructor). Here is a visual of this sequence:
1. Mountain Pose
2. Standing Backbend Pose
3. Standing Forward Fold Pose
4. Low Lunge Pose
5. Plank Pose
6. Knees-Chest-Chin Pose
7. Cobra Pose
8. Downward Facing Dog Pose
9. Low Lunge Pose
10. Standing Forward Fold Pose
11. Standing Backbend Pose
12. Mountain Pose
Now that you’ve learned the poses of Classical Sun Salutations, you can start implementing this sequence into your daily life!
but When is the best TIME to practice this sequence?
Find out here!